About this site

December 16, 2023

What did I make it with?

So I am not a web developer by trade or by training. A large reason why setting up this static site was even possible was becuase of Astro. I tried with some others before, and my previous site was built with Hugo.

A few reasons for my switch to Astro:

  • Much higher degree of customisability as offered by Hugo; one of the primary roadblocks I faced with Hugo was adding styles and modifying the content rendered by the markdown files. Using layouts in Astro and typography in tailwind greatly simplifies that.
  • Documentation - The Astro docs is one of the most detailed docs I have seen till date, and contained information on about every single problem I encountered.


The development experience wouldn’t have been complete without integrations, including a CSS framework and other features that are markdown-centric.


I opted for Tailwind CSS to streamline styling and ensure a consistent design throughout the site. Needless to say, the utility classes really made it easy to write and style with css.

Markdown and MDX

For content creation, I leveraged MDX along with remark-math and rehype-katex for mathematical expressions.


Choosing a colorscheme was a no brainer. I opted for the Catppuccin mocha colorscheme, ocassionally patching in colors (different shades using some online tools), and some colors from catppuccin latte.